Museums in Bosa
In Bosa there are three three permanent settings of historical and artistic value: the Casa Deriu, the Museo Melis, and the Museo Atza, joined during the year by many other temporary exhibitions.
The Uras-Chelo builinding, erroneously known as Casa Deriu, is a classical example of a XVII century bourgeois house.
Among the floors of the building, the second one is certainly of greater interest than the others with its fine decorations.
The second floor hosts the master bedroom and the living rooms. The living rooms give a chance to admire the original furniture, the wooden floor and the wall carpets.
The first and the third floor of the house host permanent exhibitions: on the third floor there is an exhibition in honour of Melchiorre Melis (1889-1982), a famous painter and ceramist from Bosa.
The exhibition shows a great numer of works covering the whole artistic experience of the painter. Manufactures and paintings from the period the painter spent in Africa are of great attraction. A special note deserves the studies onto pottery with applications of Sardinian tradinional handcrafts.
Paintings from the period the painter spent in Rome are also part of the display, togeher with some works from his involvement in design.
The exhibitions is completed by a set of letters written by the artist during his entire life.
In the building opposite the "Casa Deriu" houses, there is the permanent exhibition of the paintings from Antonio Atza (1925).
Besides paintings from Atza dating since 1940, there is a collection from other Sardinian painters giving a good idea of the state of paint and graphic arts in Sardinia from 1900 to the present days.
Another museum is Cappuccini monastery, built in 1608. In the same year the nearby church of "Santa Maria degli Angeli" was built.
The monks left the monastery in 1867 when it was confiscated by the government and converted into a relief-house for the poor.
Now the monastery is often the site of temporary exhibitions.